राजकीय इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज, अम्बेडकर नगर

Government Engineering College approved by AICTE & affiliated to Dr. APJAKTU, Lucknow. (College Code 737)

Course Of Study


Department of Information Technology

Department of information technology is the largest department of the Institute. It offers B.Tech. in Information technology. The Department is well equipped with high end computers, latest software & IT infrastructure. All computing resources are interconnected with high speed internet. The campus wide Networking facility is also managed by the department. The Department has a well-qualified faculty and several well equipped laboratories catering to the needs of not only the IT but also students from other departments. The Department has annual intake of 60 in B.Tech. Information Technology.

Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is a traditional branch of Engineering and was amongst the founding courses when the institution was started. This is the one of the best department of the college. The department has a well-qualified faculty and technical supporting staff. All the laboratories of the department are well

equipped with modern equipment. The Department has annual intake of 60 in B.Tech. Civil Engineering.

Electrical Engineering Department

The Electrical Engineering Department is one of the best departments of the Institute. The field of Electrical Engineering is concerned with generation, transmission, distribution, control and utilization of electrical energy. Electricity and its applications also play a vital role in improving living conditions of the people and powering many different industries. The Department is well equipped to train electrical students to advance their theoretical knowledge and sound practices of the profession. The department has a well-qualified faculty and technical supporting staff. All the laboratories of the department are well equipped with modern equipment. The Department has annual intake of 60 in B.Tech. Electrical Engineering.